Task: Drilling phase nearing completion
Drilling has progressed well and to schedule, despite difficult ground conditions.
GeoDrill’s drill teams are pulling the rods between 75m and 80m to change to a rock drill bit. This has slowed the drilling slightly but we are still on schedule for the drilling works. Gas monitoring has continued, we as of yet have not discovered any harmful gases.
The two drill teams are on target to complete the final two ground arrays by Friday this week, and will demobilise by Monday 14.09.15.
The headering team have performed well with all ground works complete on Chestnut Mews, and the first trenches dug for Aspen Mews
Project in a nutshell
- Design and install communal ground source heat pump systems into two blocks of three-storey flats.
- Drill 40 boreholes to an average depth of 140m
- Manifold the boreholes to 12 individual ground arrays
- Trench back to the 60 flats
- Remove old inefficient night store heaters and hot water cylinder
- Replace with a Kensa Shoebox 6kW, a highly efficient hot water cylinder and a wet radiator system.
- Install thermostatic and time controls to allow total control for residents with individual heat requirements.
Read more about the background to this project here: https://www.kensacontracting.com/live-retrofit-project-blog-follow-trent-doves-latest-gshp-scheme/