- Summers are getting hotter!
- Extreme heat is responsible for record numbers of emergency hospital admissions.
- Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) ceased investment in all fossil fuel companies as part of a drive to combat climate change and hotter summers and lower air pollution-related hospital admissions.
- Well-insulated and glazed modern buildings featuring central plant systems are particularly vulnerable to overheating.
- The ambient nature of ground source heat pumps and shared ground loop arrays means overheating is no longer an issue, whilst offering additional free passive cooling.
- Passive cooling uses the low temperature of the ground loop to cool the property in the summer at a fraction of the cost of air conditioning.
- As non-combustion systems, ground source heat pumps also overcome air pollution concerns.
The specification of a building’s heating system can have significant implications on the comfort and health of its inhabitants, as well as the wider environment.
How we heat our buildings and how this impacts climate change, air pollution and health motivated the Government’s Clean Air Strategy. This strategy lays out the actions needed to reduce emissions and secure clean growth and innovation.
Connecting individual Kensa Shoebox heat pumps in multiple homes and businesses together with an ambient temperature (-5°C to 20°C) shared ground loop array completely removes the common overheating problems associated with district heating losses.
The ambient ‘heat’ circulating the building is low temperature, and the higher grade heat for each dwelling is produced at the point of use.
Furthermore, by utilising the low temperature of the ground loop, it is also possible to cool the property via a fan coil in the summer for as little as £20 per year, a fraction of the cost of air conditioning.