Central London retrofit case study – Clarion Housing

Sutton Dwellings brick housing in london

With the help of Kensa Contracting and Networked Heat Pumps, Clarion Housing Group has refurbished four blocks of socially rented flats in Chelsea – an area containing some of the UK’s most expensive real estate – whilst honoring its heritage at the same time.

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Sustainable retrofit of Central London social housing

Clarion Housing Group is the largest housing association in the UK with ambitious targets to become more sustainable. By 2025, Clarion Housing Group aims to have reduced carbon emissions from its new homes by 75% compared to 2013, and by 2050, it intends to be a net-zero carbon organisation.

Kensa shoebox installed in a property

Installing renewable heating in Central London social housing

In 2019, The Group decided to refurbish Sutton Dwellings – a historic estate in Chelsea built in 1913. It is one of the first examples of affordable social housing in the UK.

Clarion Housing Group stripped back and remodelled four mid-rise tower blocks on the Sutton Dwellings estate, which had been derelict for many years, into homes suitable for families.

Clare Miller, Group Chief Executive, Clarion Housing Group said:

“Today, 360,000 people live in our homes. All of us who work for the Group have a responsibility to ensure that we deliver William Sutton’s 100-year-old vision of good-quality homes for the people who need them the most.

“However, our ambitions go far beyond mere bricks and mortar. We’re committed to creating flourishing and sustainable communities and making a positive impact on our environment. The measures we’ve put in place will help give the Sutton Dwellings estate another century of valuable service.”

Project scope

Sutton Dwellings road with red brick flats

Kensa designed the ground source heat pump system, supplied the heat pumps and cylinders, and oversaw the drilling, headering, and trenching of the ground array, including the boreholes and tails at the base of the riser.

As the site is in Central London in the heart of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, there was limited space for drilling and other trades on-site. Kensa carefully coordinated the project and the team frequently moved a mobile drilling rig onto the road to access different areas of the site.

Benefits of the ground source heat pump retrofit

Installing ground source heat pumps instead of gas boilers in the Central London properties has reduced carbon emissions by around 70%. Since ground source heat pumps produce no point-of-use emissions or pollution, Clarion Housing Group has protected local air quality in this urban area.

The annual running costs of the heat pump systems range from £301 for a 1-bed flat to £712 for a 4-bed flat, averaging £441 per property, based on designed loads and a 24.5p/kWh unit electricity price.

Commercial Director for Social Housing at Kensa , Stuart Gadsden comments:

“We’re thrilled to have partnered with Clarion on this landmark social housing development which brought our networked heat pump solution to 81 Victorian era mid rise social homes in the heart of central London.

“This significant installation dispels many myths about ground source heat pumps, demonstrating their suitability for older buildings and dense urban locations. But, most importantly, it provides Sutton Dwellings residents with a super-efficient, clean, affordable, zero-carbon system to keep their homes comfortable and warm all year round.”

Before refurbishment, the buildings lacked functional heating systems, so Kensa installed sustainable ground source heat pump systems with renewable infrastructure designed to last up to 100 years.

The heat pumps draw natural heat from the ground around the estate using a network of deeply drilled boreholes, continuing the tradition of providing affordable living for over a century.

Clarion is also refurbishing the remaining 11 blocks with new windows, roofs, doors, lift upgrades, and modern kitchens and bathrooms.

The history of Sutton Dwellings

Historic image of Sutton Dwellings black and white photo
Sutton Dwellings is one of Clarion Housing Group’s historically significant estates – being named after the wealthy Victorian philanthropist, William Sutton. Born on Cheapside in 1833, Sutton ran a successful delivery business. 

When he died in 1900, he bequeathed almost all his considerable wealth to create The Sutton Model Dwellings Trust. The trust built some of the UK’s first quality and affordable homes for the poor across England. Today, Clarion Housing Group 125,000 properties across more than 170 local authorities.

Sutton Dwellings was built in 1913 as a forerunner to council houses and provided homes for more than 2,000 people.

Over the last decade, as the estate gradually became unfit for purpose, there were discussions about whether to demolish and rebuild it. However, the decision was made in 2019 that Clarion Housing Group would refurbish and modernise the estate instead. It worked with residents for over a year to come up with a new plan.


Want to see a site for yourself?

We’d love for you to visit one of our sites and see the technology in action. When you visit, our team will walk you through the installation, explain how everything works, and show you the real-world impact on both the environment and local energy costs. It’s a great way to understand the potential of ground source heat pumps and get inspired by the future of green energy.

Reach out to us today to arrange your visit!

Please note, this opportunity is for commercial projects only. If you’re a homeowner interested in heat pump technology, check out Nesta’s Visit a Heat Pump for more information.

Key Facts

  • 81 x Victorian-era mid-rise flats in 4 tower blocks
  • Central London location
  • 62 x 3kW Shoebox & 19 x 6kW Shoebox heat pumps
  • Total heat load 205kW - 27 x boreholes
  • 70% lower carbon emissions than gas boilers
  • Networked Heat Pump system with individual GSHPs in each apartment
  • Providing heating and hot water